Solar-Lanterns come in many guises and you might easily think of one type of solar lantern and overlook or be oblivious to the others.
Essentially, these devices fall into two categories: Decorative and Utility.
Now, when you look at the decorative variety, you will probably find them to be quite colourful, bright and a little on the disposable side as you might expect of a device made of fabric or paper.
I hope that you don't me throwing my opinion in here?... It seems that though there are quite a few styles and shapes on the market, they really seem more like variations on just a few themes. Not a bad thing, just an observation...and once again, just my opinion.
Construction is straight-forward with bamboo, plastic or even metal to form the characteristic shape. Expect a a paper, fabric in a variety of colours and patterns.
Solar-Lanterns made of plastic
You will also find decorative lanterns made entirely of self-supporting plastic and synthetic materials. These require only a modest support structure for internal components and display.
Let's talk a little about the business end of these lanterns.
While they may not all be alike in construction, we can at least expect to see a few typical details.
In the Utility category, Solar-Lanterns have become the handy any-time solution for the garden, the patio the camping ground and anywhere else you need bright on-the-spot illumination.
Your lantern will likely be composed of an LED light source, a solar battery, a light sensor and a weatherproof housing available in materials as varied as water-proof fabric to conventional materials in a variety of styles to match your personal taste.
Solar Lantern. Has anyone found a lantern that doesnât look like it fell off a chuck wagon?
Solar Lantern
A great stand-by tool, Solar Lanterns are available in lots of colours and styles.
Colourful and dazzling with strikibng light effects, Solar Pool Lights are absolutely amazing.
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