Once you’ve seen the images of a Light-Sphere, I may not have to say a word.
Light-Spheres are a creative, and I hope you will agree, welcome twist on the garden light concept.
They exist to provide ambience indoors and outdoors in the garden or in the pool but unlike typical garden lights with a light source we try so hard to conceal, with Light Spheres and their warm glow, we reveal them as conversation pieces.
Whether you’ll have one or many, when seen from a distance, Light Spheres present an eerie spectacle, but they’re stunning, fascinating, elegant pieces of garden art.
As you look at the images, you might find them a little reminiscent of a 1960s furniture and science fiction film décor or better still, a Dr. Seuss tale.
Light Sphere by Moonlight
For the time being though, Moving seems to need to confine itself to flat surfaces indoors or outdoors, but really take a moment to imagine, spheres moving about your garden under their own "will".
Spooky? ...Yup!
Light Sphere by Moonlight
Light Sphere by Moonlight
20 Inch Light-Sphere
16 Inch Light-Sphere
12 Inch Light-Sphere
24 Inch Light-Sphere
Above, Light Cubes are great pieces of garden chic for people who likes to do things..."Differently".
These Corona 2 patio lights Shane Kohatsu are unexpected and beautiful shapes.
Mount them on a table or stake them directly into the gorund. These are just a sampling of things to come as designers lend new form to function.
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