So here we are. We've come to Flameless-Candles. What if you turned all the lights out? No spot-lights, no-flood-lights and no light-cubes...and definitely no LED-stage-lights! What alternatives would you have? Candles of course. There are times when the warm glow of a candle is the only light that will do.
Large LED Candle
Flameless Candles in decorative urns
One thing I’ve learned in all of this is not to expect that similar products will have identical features and this is the same for Flameless-Candles. However, here are some good features to look out for.
In no particular order, lets look at brightness control, colour control and aroma therapy. Brightness control is self explanatory really, but for the sake of clarity, this feature allows one to brighten or dim your device to suite your needs or mood.
Flameless-Candles with colour control allow you to adjust the colour temperature i.e., redness or blueness of the light; see Colour Temperature for more on this. Aroma therapy? A Flameless-Candle offering aroma therapy will typically come equipped with an LED-powered candle, rechargeable batteries, an AC adaptor to heat a scented oil and the scented oil itself.
Flameless Candles for aroma therapy
Solar-Orb Pool Light
Solar-Saucer Pool Light
Solar-Pool-Lights. Pick a style. Pick a colour. Have some fun! I could write a lot of Bla, Bla, Bla here, but you already get the picture.
Solar Battery Charger
A Solar Battery Charger may save your life some day and that's one heck of a return on your investment.
A Prism
We have come to use the terms warm-white and cool-white to describe the amount of red or blue present in artificial light.
Take some time to read a little more about colour temperature and the Kelvin Scale. It will help answer some of your questions about light.
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